Sketch Your Work. Literally. Now!
Bring effective drawings to your work
with Anke Averdunk

What others say
"Super Aufbau, immer wieder 'abgeholt', wo wir gerade stehen, Vorschau, was als Nächstes kommt. Lebendig, anschaulich, sehr sympathisch, multimedial, interessant, inspirierend & locker präsentiert, sehr angenehme Atmosphäre geschaffen. Ganz à la 'pratice what you preach' / 'walk your talk'. Vielen herzlichen Dank dafür!"
Teilnehmerin des Seminars "Visuelle Online-Präsentationen. Mit Bildern zum Erfolg!"
"Wirklich tolle Referentin aus der Praxis, sehr mitreißend, sympathisch, nahbar, tolle Vermittlung der Inhalte, sofort auch Praxisbezug und eigene Anwendung (wenn auch wg. (noch) nicht vorhandener Technik (digitaler Stift, Tablet etc.) per Papier), was für mich Lerneffekt erhöht. Vielen herzlichen Dank!"
Teilnehmerin des Seminars "Visuelle Online-Präsentationen. Mit Bildern zum Erfolg!"
“In October 2018 we had planned a 2 day workshop with over 40 colleagues discussing important collaboration topics and how can we work more effective. One idea that came out was to use visualization in expressing our key results. Here is where Anke played an amazing role. The result was overpassing our expectations, as Anke drew an amazing roadmap of what we did during the 2 day workshops and what were our key take away(s). We have now both posters hanged in our office and they represent a continuous reminder of a really good and productive workshop. Thank you Anke for sketching our days!”
Marcela N. Craciunescu
Product Manager, Daimler
"Mrs. Averdunk is a very talented artist, who worked with the City of Frankfurt on a project called „Active noise protection“. She sketched a graphic recording during an information event with discussions and presentations. As a result, the audience not only had a clear understanding of the evening’s content, but also took pictures of the visual as a summary. Mrs. Averdunk has a very quick comprehension and a talent for the practical implementation of so many different topics as „aircraft noise protection“. She is great to work with. We had a lot of fun exploring a new way of doing public relations with her and still have fun with the visual, which is hanging on the wall of the head of the office until today. We wish her all the best and are looking forward for more great bodies of work. Link:"
Karina Mombauer, M.A.
Referentin für Presse und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Stadt Frankfurt am Main
„With our first annual unit meeting subject to Corona restrictions we were quite anxious to create a setting as creative as possible. Having Anke Averdunk as a graphic recorder sketching all of our silly and serious moments felt truly inspiring and let the team spirit fly high. Also, Anke condensed our deliverables most presentable and made them look and feel like milestones towards our new work goals.“
Maik Braun
Leiter Digitale Prozesse & Vertriebssteuerung, Allianz